From the Desk of
Michael Blichasz
American Workers' Advocate
Host of the Saturday Variety Program at 11 A.M.
& American Workers Radio, 11 A.M. Wednesdays
860 AM Radio WWDB • Philadelphia, PA
Commentary from Saturday, July 12, 2014
Buy American Made Challenge!
During the last few years millions of people have taken the Buy American Made Challenge and have been looking carefully at labels to see where products are being made. I want you to know that because of your actions store owners fear losing sales from customers choosing not to shop at stores that don't offer a reasonable selection of American made products.
As you shop during the summer season, take the Buy American Made Challenge and look at every label before you make a purchase. Right NOW we have millions of workers ready and able to fill jobs lost to outsourcing over the years. The key to our success is to help restore private sector jobs and develop currently-needed jobs skills and get people back to work. I urge you not to miss any opportunity to look for, ask for and purchase American Made products. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, before you walk out the door, ask to speak with the manager and let the manager know that you’re a customer choosing to spend more of your dollars on American made.
Kindly help us continue to make positive progress happen and take the Buy American Made Challenge and let me know where you’re finding American made products so I can direct other people to shop there.
This is Michael Blichasz. Every Wednesday from 11 A.M. to 12 noon, tune in to American Workers Radio on 860 AM serving Philadelphia and the Tri-State area. With modern technology our radio broadcasts are heard across America on the Internet. You can listen live or to rebroadcasts anytime from the easy access links located on the front page of: