With graduations and various special events now taking place, there are additional opportunities for us to promote the Buy American Made Campaign. With more people united behind efforts to improve job opportunities for our graduates and working-age and able-bodied Americans, we see that “We the American People” are the ones that create opportunities for businesses and jobs to grow in the United States. America’s consumers can help bring about a rising demand for American made products by directing even more of their dollars to purchase American made FIRST. Most importantly, there is no reason for private sector businesses not to be offered new opportunities by America’s National Elected Leaders to reinvest in the United States of America.
Since maintaining a positive business environment for America’s industries has not been the focus of America’s national leaders, “We the American People” continue to be called upon to ensure that the industries we have in America remain vibrant and more jobs for American workers continue to available because “We the People” are creating the demand for American made products and services. At this point, with new technology, there is no reason why businesses in America can’t get back to the business of manufacturing competitive products of every type with made in America labels. Your participation is appreciated and your suggestions are always welcome. Email them to: Michael@AmericanWorkersRadio.com. This is Michael Blichasz. Every Wednesday from 11 A.M. to 12 noon, tune in to American Workers Radio on 860 AM serving Philadelphia and the Tri-State area. You can also listen live or to rebroadcasts from anywhere in the world from the easy access links located on the front page of: AmericanWorkersRadio.com. |