From the Desk of
Michael Blichasz
American Workers' Advocate
Host of the Saturday Variety Program at 11 A.M.
& American Workers Radio, 11 A.M. Wednesdays
860 AM Radio WWDB • Philadelphia, PA
Commentary from Saturday, April 1, 2017

The First Weekend of Each Month!

As more Americans help to spread the word about restoring jobs and America's economy, everyone is urged to help us promote "National Small Business Weekend" on the First Friday, Saturday and Sunday of every month.

We began this special campaign in response to local businesses stating that they lost a lot of customers to larger stores and shopping malls. In order to help local businesses, we encourage our supporters to shop local more often and we began the National Small Business Weekend effort to bring attention to the fact that local businesses need your business. This effort has been very successful as it helped people know how important local businesses are to their communities and helped us focus more attention on the mission of the Buy American Made Campaign.

The fact of the matter is that there are millions of locally-owned private sector businesses in communities across America.  Locally owned businesses employ over 60 million American workers and they need your business throughout the year to keep the people employed.  Additionally, 70% or more of every dollar spent at local businesses is re-circulated within your local economy. After restocking merchandise, business owners pay general operational expenses, taxes, employees and are able to support themselves.  As you spend your dollars at local stores you also have the opportunity to speak with store owners and ask them to seek out larger selections of American made products from their merchandisers.

As more American consumers shop locally and seek out American made products, they help American based manufacturing facilities remain open and expand manufacturing in the United States of America. As you and I direct our purchasing power to support American Made products and local businesses FIRST, we are helping to save jobs for Americans and helping to make more job opportunities possible.

Thanks for helping us spread the word. America and American workers are depending on all of us!

This is Michael Blichasz.  Every Wednesday from 11 A.M. to 12 noon, tune in to American Workers Radio on 860 AM serving Philadelphia and the Tri-State area. You can also listen live or to rebroadcasts from anywhere in the world from the easy access links located on the front page of: