Be Part of the Solution
The old expression that you’re either part of the problem, or part of the solution can be applied to the Buy American Made Campaign. If we continue to purchase the American made products in our stores, we will be part of the solution by helping to maintain jobs in the U.S.A. If we don’t put our concern into action, American workers will continue to lose jobs to outsourcing around the world and we can’t permit that to continue.
Helping maintain and create additional jobs for our fellow Americans is becoming a focus for more shoppers as they speak up in support of American made items. From my own experiences, I know that sales clerks are NOT pleased when you question the imbalance issue. Although they are not responsible for the situation, they can relay your concerns to store owners and managers. In order to make a change in policy, we must speak up everywhere we shop and if store owners don’t respond, take your purchasing power elsewhere. In most cases, the people employed at the stores don’t realize that the more American jobs are outsourced, the less employment opportunities will be available for them, their families and America’s youth!
Not only must we continue to address the restoration of manufacturing in America, but we also need to address the imbalance between low tariffs on items imported to America and higher tariffs on American made items shipped abroad. Presently the imbalance with tariffs is not in favor of American companies and American workers. You can be assured that if you can’t find a sufficient amount of American made products in America’s stores, there are much less exported items from America featured in stores abroad.
For your information I have posted a number of interesting links on the front page of These articles, from a variety of sources, outline problems and suggestions as well as list statistics as to how and why the U.S. manufacturing base has changed and how we can do something about it! I urge you to look at the links on and help the cause by emailing and discussing the information with others.
Spring is here and you will be out shopping for spring and summer clothing. Before you make that purchase, look at the labels, let the sales clerks know you’re supporting American made products and purchase the American made products still available in the stores near you. Be part of the solution of maintaining and bringing back manufacturing jobs to the U.S.A.
This is Michael Blichasz. I appreciate receiving your comments and suggestions. You can print out a copy of my commentary, email it to a friend or email me from my Internet site at: or