From the Desk of
Michael Blichasz
American Workers' Advocate
Host of the Saturday Variety Program at 11 A.M.
860 AM Radio WWDB • Philadelphia, PA
Commentary from Saturday, February 11, 2012

Another Way To Spread The Word!

In the last few months, I have been promoting, an effort to unite the American people to support American workers and American made products.

Through radio and Internet broadcasts, American Workers Radio will outreach to listeners and welcome the ideas of listeners on ways to support one another so we can make a positive difference for the private sector businesses manufacturing and employing Americans from the point of production to the point of sale.

Since the recession began in late 2007, the American people have seen how the loss of several million jobs to outsourcing has affected the well-being of America. Today, large percentages of what is being sold in America is foreign made and the American people see the importance of working together to reverse this trend.

While we welcome competitive products from around the world, we also have to maintain a healthy level of employment opportunities for Americans now and in the future.

The Buy American Made Campaign urges you to seek out the made in U.S.A. label and direct your purchasing power in support of America's industries that are both manufacturing and selling products made in the U.S.A. American Workers Radio is another voice to help make our effort a success.

I encourage you to add to your Internet favorites, email us your suggestions and spread the word to others because American Workers Need Your participation.

This is Michael Blichasz. Your support is very important. Email me from the link on the front page of: or