Our supporters understand that as America's consumers our ACTIONS ALWAYS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS! We have seen that by using our spending power to support the work and skills of American workers FIRST, we are seeing more American made items for sale at a growing number of stores across America. Because of our grass-roots efforts, radio, Internet and newspaper commentaries, and a growing number of media outlets, millions of Americans are seeing and hearing our message and spreading the word as positive changes continue to happen. From what we all see our efforts have been more effective than all of America's national elected leaders combined. We continue to urge Americans business leaders, investors, and America's workforce to UNITE for the well-being of America and its future. National, state and local elected leaders should take the Buy American Made Campaign and American Workers Radio message and make it part of their goal to expand and restore jobs and job skills throughout America. Thank you for your ongoing support. Everyone is urged to promote the efforts of the Buy American Made Campaign and American Workers Radio so we have even more success in 2025. We welcome your comments and suggestions. E-mail them to: Michael@AmericanWorkersRadio.com. Thanks for your participation. |
This is Michael Blichasz. Every Wednesday from 11 A.M. to 12 noon, tune in to American Workers Radio on 860 AM serving Philadelphia and the Tri-State area. You can also listen live or to rebroadcasts from anywhere in the world 24 hours-a-day from the easy access links located on the front page of: AmericanWorkersRadio.com.