With more of us focused on the American Made Label, there has been a major increase in the desire to produce more of what the American people use on a regular basis with a Made in America Label. For several years we have asked the American people to rally behind American workers and the businesses that employ them. We have urged national elected and business leaders to work together to increase not only service oriented jobs but help us focus on manufacturing everything possible here in the United States of America so we can create millions of additional private sector jobs for Americans within a reasonable amount of time.
For more than thirty years it was believed that service oriented jobs would sustain employment in America, but as we clearly see, without an ongoing and growing manufacturing base, America is now dependent on foreign countries to produce the products Americans purchase on a regular basis. It’s time for America to have a competitive product for every product sold in the United States of America from clothing, electronics, computers, cell phones, eyeglass wear, and thousands of other products. In order for America’s employment base to grow, we must have 50% of every item sold in America made in America again. As we continue to celebrate November as “American Made Month” you are asked to visit our Internet site where there is a schedule of ways to support our efforts. For more information visit: American Made Month. Thanks for your participation. This is Michael Blichasz. Every Wednesday from 11 A.M. to 12 noon, tune in to American Workers Radio on 860 AM serving Philadelphia and the Tri-State area. You can also listen live or to rebroadcasts from anywhere in the world from the easy access links located on the front page of: AmericanWorkersRadio.com.